§ 1.12.050. Delivery or mailing of notice.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The enforcing person shall, if possible, deliver to the offender a copy of the notice, as described in Section 1.12.040, at the time and place of the violation. If it is not possible to deliver a copy of the notice to the offender at the time and place of the violation, the copy shall be mailed or delivered by the enforcing person, or by the head of his or her department or by any person authorized by such department head to the offender's last known address, within fifteen days after the violation. Such notice as so mailed shall be deemed a sufficient notice, and a certificate of the person so mailing such notice that it has been mailed in accordance with this section shall be prima facie evidence thereof.


    At or before the completion of each workday, or at the beginning of the first subsequent workday, the enforcing person shall give to his or her department head those copies of each notice of such violation he or she has taken cognizance of during the workday which have not already been delivered or mailed by him or her as aforesaid. The department head shall retain and safely preserve one copy and shall, at a time not later than the next court day after such delivery or mailing, deliver the other copy to the Clerk of the Chelsea Division District Court Department, before which the offender has been notified to appear.

(C.O.83-52 § 6 (part); C.O. 81-167 (part): prior revision § 1-7E)