§ 1.12.160. Demand letter to person responsible regarding unpaid fines.  

Latest version.
  • If a fine stemming from a violation remains unpaid for twenty-one days from the date of the issuance of the violation, and no hearing has been timely requested, a demand letter shall be sent to the mailing address of the owner of record and, if appropriate to the local individual or property management company responsible for the maintenance of the property, notifying him or her that the fine shall be paid within thirty days after receipt of the demand letter. Person responsible noticed may request a hearing before the municipal hearing officer within fourteen days of receiving the demand letter only if he or she swears in writing under the pains and penalties of perjury that he or she did not receive the original citation. In the event of such a request, the municipal hearing officer may make a preliminary determination whether to allow the request for hearing.

(C.O. 15-37, § VII, 3-16-2015)