§ 1.12.190. Penalties.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Notwithstanding the language in Title 1, Chapter 1.16, Section 1.16.010, and unless otherwise provided by specific law or ordinance, the penalty to apply in the event of a violation of any ordinance enforced by the noncriminal disposition procedure in this chapter shall be as follows: not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than five hundred dollars per offense. A separate violation may be cited for each day the violation exists.


    Any person or entity who both fails to provide payment to the Offices of Inspectional Services as provided by Section 1.12.120 and fails to make written request for a hearing within twenty-one days to the municipal hearings officer shall be assessed a processing fee of ten dollars as a part of the demand letter pursuant to Section 1.12.160. The original penalty plus the processing fee shall be due and payable to the offices of inspectional services within thirty days of the date of the receipt of the demand letter.


    If the original penalty and the processing fee are not paid in full within thirty days from the demand letter described in subsection (B) above and in Section 1.12.160, or, in the event a hearing is held either by in-person hearing pursuant to Section 1.12.140 (B) or by written adjudication pursuant to Section 1.12.140 (C) and the violation is upheld and not paid in full within twenty-one days from the date of the decision of the municipal hearings officer, then the amount due to the city shall be five hundred dollars, unless the violation relates to snow and ice removal, in which case the maximum principal fine shall be two hundred dollars.


    Statutory interest shall accrue in accordance with M.G.L. c. 59 §§ 57, 57C, following the respective deadlines contained in subsection C and in accordance with Section 1.12.170 and Section 1.12.180.

(C.O. 15-37, § VII, 3-16-2015)