§ 2.03.050. Open meetings.

Latest version.
  • A.

    All meetings of governmental bodies shall be open to the public and shall be called for and conducted pursuant to the provisions of Section 23A-24 of Chapter 39 of the General Laws and any person shall be permitted to attend any meeting except as otherwise provided for by law. For the purpose of this section, "governmental body" means every board, commission, committee or subcommittee of the city, however elected, appointed or otherwise constituted, and the governing board of the Revere Housing Authority.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 39, Sections 23A through 24 of the General Laws to the contrary, all governmental bodies as previously defined in this section shall give notice of their meetings and establish their agendas at least three days prior to the date of their scheduled meetings. All governmental bodies shall also be required to forward to the city council a notice of meeting and a copy of the meeting agenda which shall also be posted on the bulletin board at City Hall at least three days prior to the date of their scheduled meetings.


    All governmental bodies shall maintain accurate records of their meetings and shall forward copies of the records of their meetings to the city council.


    Further, any agendas and pertinent information relative to license commission meetings shall be delivered by police officer to the members of the license commission at least forty-eight hours before the meetings. Agendas shall also be posted on the bulletin board in the corridor of the City Hall.

(C.O.83-52 § 9; C.O. 81-444; C.O. 79-151: prior revision § 2-12.3)