§ 2.06.110. Clothing allowance.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    An amount of money shall be annually appropriated by the mayor and city council and provided in the annual budget for the purpose of providing certain employees with clothing. "Clothing," as used in this section, means uniforms or any part of a uniform, civilian clothing, work clothing, foul-weather clothing, shoes, boots, etc.


    The annual appropriation shall be based on a figure of five hundred fifty dollars per person. The number of persons shall be computed by averaging the number of personnel in the permanent/provisional service of each of the following departments on the first day of December of the year being budgeted with those so employed on the first day of June of the same year:


    Fire: all uniformed personnel including signal-alarm personnel;


    Parks and recreation: parks maintenance personnel only;


    Police: all uniformed personnel including detectives and special police but excluding auxiliary school patrol;


    Public works: all personnel assigned to the labor service.


    Payment of employees, as covered in subsections A and B of this section, shall be made on the last payday in December and June each year in the amount of two hundred seventy-five dollars to each such employee of record on the first day of December and June, respectively. No receipts for clothing are required; however, it shall be the duty of the head of each department to see that covered personnel in each department are at all times properly attired.

    Note: Police and firefighters will not take the amount provided hereunder but will take the amount as set out in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Effective July 1, 1987.

(C.O.87-621 § 1; C.O. 85-447 Attachment C § 1; C.O. 78-379-A § 1; C.O. 78-379-B § 9; prior revision § 2-6.1)