§ 2.06.120. Workers' compensation benefits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any city employee, excluding members of the fire department and the police department, who incurs a work-related injury while in the performance of his or her duties as such an employee shall, upon certification by the attending physician of the employee and, if need be, by a duly qualified physician so appointed by the city, and after subsequent endorsement of the certification by the mayor and the employee's department head, be entitled to and shall be paid, during the period of incapacitation resulting from the work-related injury, the benefits provided for by the workers' compensation statutes of the commonwealth (G.L. Ch. 152).


    In cases where the injured employee has accumulated "sick leave" (as provided for in Section 2.06.160) such injured employee may, for the duration of his or her state of incapacitation resulting from the work-related injury, draw from his or her accumulated "sick leave" only until the point of exhaustion of such funds. Thereafter the employee's weekly benefits must be reduced to two-thirds the average of his or her weekly wage as provided for by the workers' compensation statutes of the commonwealth.

(C.O.85-4 § 3; C.O. 83-52 § 63: prior revision § 2-7)