§ 2.06.130. Vacation—Amount.  

Latest version.
  • The vacation year for employees of the city of Revere shall be the period from January 1st to December 31st inclusive. Based upon an employee's length of service, vacation leave shall be credited as follows:


    For less than one year's service beginning after January 1st and completed on December 31st, vacation leave of one day for each calendar month, not to exceed ten days. New employees who begin work during the first week of a month will receive credit for a full month.


    For service of one year beginning January 1st and completed on December 31st up to and including four years service completed on December 31st vacation leave of one day per month to a maximum of ten days per year. If an employee enters city service during the first week of a vacation year, that year shall constitute the first of the four years completed.


    For service of four years completed on December 31st up to and including less than nine years of service completed on December 31st vacation leave of one and one-half days per month to a maximum of fifteen days per year.


    For service of nine years completed on December 31st up to and including less than nineteen years completed on December 31st, vacation leave of two days per month to a maximum of twenty days per year.


    For service of nineteen years and each year thereafter completed on December 31st vacation leave of two and one-half days per month to a maximum of twenty-five days per year.

    Employees who are on leave without pay for five working days during a month will not receive credit for that month.

    Employees may take vacation leave not actually credited, however, if an employee leaves the employ of the city and used vacation leave prior to being credited the employee will be required to reimburse the city for any unearned vacation leave used. The reimbursement will be deducted from the employees final city paycheck.

    Part-time employees earn vacation credit according to this section prorated to the number of hours worked in an average week. Part-time employees are eligible to receive vacation benefits upon the completion of twelve months of part-time regular employment with the city.

    Vacation leave earned during any vacation year shall be credited on the last day of each full month worked and shall be available for use on the first working day of the following month.

    The words, "length of service," as used herein shall mean years of service as a member of the city of Revere and/or Commonwealth of Massachusetts Contributory Retirement System.

    Notwithstanding any policy, procedure or the provisions of this section to the contrary, any municipal employee currently employed by the city on the date of the adoption of this amendment hired on or before October 25, 1993, enumerated in schedules H. A-1 and I. A-2-A, who is not otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall upon retirement be entitled to receive not less than twenty-five days of vacation time, less any vacation time used between January 1st and December 31st provided that such employee is entitled to accumulate twenty-five vacation days pursuant to this section. The value of said vacation time shall be calculated at the rate of compensation the employee was earning calendar year two thousand.

(C.O.01-35 § 1, 2001; C.O. 00-604 § 1, 2000; C.O. 93-379 § 1: C.O. 85-447 Attachment C § 2; C.O. 78-379-B, § 10 (part); prior revision § 2-3)