§ 2.06.160. Sick leave.  

Latest version.
  • All regular, full-time employees enumerated in Division 1, Table III, Schedules H through J of this revision shall, when entitled thereto, be granted sick leave aggregating not more than fifteen days in any year, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, without loss of pay. Sick leave allowances not used in any particular year may be accumulated to a total of two hundred fifty days, and exclusive of the uniform police personnel, upon retirement or death, employee or their next of kin (estate) will be paid for unused sick leave in accordance with the sick leave buy back incentive program contained herein if current fiscal year funds are available in the employee's salary account at the time of such retirement or death, or as otherwise provided for certain groups of employees and included in executed agreements under the provisions of Chapter 150E of the General Laws. All regular, full-time employees enumerated in Division 1, Table III, Schedules H through J of this revision, effective July 1, 1998, shall be entitled to participate in a sick leave buy back incentive program as follows:

    Regular, full-time employees who use a minimum number of sick days each year shall be allowed to annually request the city to buy back a portion of their accumulated sick days. The buy back year shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st, except for calendar year 1998, which will begin on July 1, 1998, and end on December 31, 1998. Provided, however, that the total number of sick days used for all of calendar year 1998 shall be used to calculate the sick leave buy back incentive benefit for calendar year 1998.

    On the last pay period of each calendar year, regular, full-time employees enumerated herein, who use four or fewer sick days in a calendar year and who have accumulated at least thirty sick days shall be entitled to participate in the sick leave buy back incentive program.

    On the last pay period of each calendar year, regular, full-time employees who have used fewer than three sick days, at the end of the calendar year, shall be entitled to exchange that number of sick days and receive one additional regular week's salary, excluding longevity and overtime.

    On the last pay period of each calendar year, regular, full-time employees who have used fewer than four sick days, at the end of the calendar year, shall be entitled to exchange that number of sick days and receive four additional regular days' salary, excluding longevity and overtime.

    On the last pay period of each calendar year, regular, full-time employees who have used fewer than five sick days, at the end of the calendar year, shall be entitled to exchange that number of sick days and receive three additional regular days' salary, excluding longevity and overtime.

    Regular, full-time employees who have accrued at least fifty sick days, who retire on or after July 1, 1998, on the date of their retirement, shall be entitled to participate in the sick leave buy back incentive program and receive payments as follows:

    For any number of the first one hundred or less accumulated sick days, the city shall buy back from the retiring, regular, full-time employee, each of the aforesaid sick days at a rate of thirty dollars per day.

    For any number of the second one hundred or more accumulated sick days and less than two hundred and one accumulated sick days, the city shall buy back from the retiring, regular, full-time employee, each of the aforesaid sick days at a rate of forty dollars per day.

    For any number of the remaining sick days starting at two hundred and one and ending at three hundred accumulated sick days, the city shall buy back from the retiring, regular, full-time employee, each of the aforesaid sick days at a rate of fifty-five dollars per day.

    As used herein "retirement" shall mean any form of retirement provided for by Chapter 32 M.G.L. or amounts due beneficiaries of a deceased member of the retirement system who are entitled to the benefits of Section 11 of Chapter 32 M.G.L.

    Department heads shall certify to the city collector/treasurer, on a weekly basis, on a form prescribed by the city collector/treasurer, each employee's accrued sick leave and the amount of sick leave each employee uses weekly. The city collector/treasurer shall certify, weekly, to each employee the employee's accrued sick leave and the amount of sick leave that the employee used the previous week's pay period. The sick and vacation leave records of the city collector/treasurer shall be the official records of the city of Revere relating to sick and vacation leave.

(C.O.00-603 § 1, 2000; C.O. 98-45 §§ 1—3; C.O. 87-621 § 2; C.O. 85-447 Attachment C § 3; C.O. 78-379-B § 10 (part); prior revision § 2-6)