§ 2.12.110. Time for acting upon supplemental appropriation requests.  

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of the General Laws or Special Acts, within seventy-five days following the commencement of each fiscal year the city council shall have acted upon, by voting thereon, all of the recommendations for supplemental appropriations submitted to the city council by the mayor for the operation of the city government for the fiscal year. Any supplemental appropriation not acted upon within the required time period shall not be included as a supplemental appropriation for submission to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Revenue, for the purpose of certification of the fiscal year tax rate.

    Within eighty days following the commencement of each fiscal year the city council shall have conducted a public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 56 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws and acted thereon to establish the minimum residential factor so that the board of assessors may proceed with the establishment of the fiscal year tax rate.

(C.O. 98-55 § 2)