§ 2.21.020. Powers and duties generally.  

Latest version.
  • The city treasurer shall receive, receipt for and have the care and custody of the current funds of the city from the time the same come into the treasurer's possession, and also of all moneys, properties and securities which may be placed in the treasurer's charge by virtue of any provisions of the General Laws or ordinance, including custody of the funds of the retirement system, or by virtue of any gift, devise, bequest or deposit. The city treasurer may deposit any portion of such current funds in such national bank, or trust company or savings bank organized under the laws of the commonwealth, and on such conditions and rates of interest as the treasurer deems best, subject to the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 55, and shall, with the mayor and city auditor, sign all bonds and certificates of indebtedness issued by the city, and shall preserve all rejected bids for loans, and all papers relating thereto.

(Prior revision § 2-33)