§ 2.24.070. Accounts and claims of departments generally.  

Latest version.
  • The city auditor shall require boards and commissions and heads of departments or, in their absence, acting or assistant heads of departments designated by proper authority to approve all accounts and claims in their respective departments. The auditor shall keep a record of all contracts entered into by them, the dates of the same, with the names of the parties and the amounts of such contracts and also of the names of the persons whose bills are approved, and of the dates and amounts of such bills. The auditor shall require heads of departments and a majority of each of such boards and commissions or some official designated by any of such boards and commissions to certify by their signatures upon such bills and payrolls their approval of the same, and pass them to the auditor by the morning of the third day of each month.

(C.O.83-52 § 13 (part); prior revision § 2-45 (part))