§ 2.27.030. Uncollectible accounts—Abatement.  

Latest version.
  • In cases where all attempts to obtain settlement of charges, other than taxes and assessments for betterments, have failed and the same remains unpaid, the city collector may certify such fact to the city solicitor and if, in the opinion of the city solicitor, such charges are uncollectible, the solicitor shall so report to the city collector. Upon receipt of such report the city collector shall notify the board or officer making such charges that the same appear to be uncollectible. Such board or officer may thereupon, with the approval of a majority of the members of the city council, abate such charges and the city collector shall be credited with the amount of such abatements on the books of the city. The city auditor shall be notified, in writing, of all abatements made under this section.

(Prior revision § 2-50)