§ 2.30.020. Duties.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the duty of the city physician:


    To attend upon all sick persons under the care of the city authorities elsewhere, and all other needy residents of the city who may apply to the city physician;


    Under the direction of the mayor to examine the condition of all officers upon the police force and fire department and all employees of the city incapacitated from the performance of their several duties; and


    Under the direction of the city solicitor to examine all persons who claim to have been injured upon the highway or elsewhere whereby the city may become liable, and render report thereon to the city solicitor as and when required by the latter, together with such certificates as the law and ordinances may require;


    At the request of the city solicitor to render professional aid in court or otherwise as the latter may designate, in all suits and matters wherein the city is or may be interested; and


    In general, to perform all the duties and render all the services that may be incumbent upon the city physician, by the laws of the commonwealth of the ordinances of the city, in force as of the adoption of the ordinance chapter from which this chapter derives or thereafter.

(Prior revision § 2-54)