§ 2.39.010. Department—Deputies—Annual report.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The weights and measures department shall be under the charge of the sealer of weights and measures. The department shall consist of a sealer of weights and measures and such deputy sealers of weights and measures as may be provided for by the city council and appointed by the mayor.


    The sealer of weights and measures shall have general control and supervision of all the public scales in the city and, in case of absence or inability of the sealer to perform the sealer's duties from any cause, a deputy designated by the sealer of weights and measures shall exercise such duties.


    In the month of July the sealer of weights and measures shall make a full report to the mayor and city council of all matters pertaining to the department for the preceding year with an inventory of all property of the city under the sealer's charge.

(C.O.83-52 § 14; prior revision § 20-2)