§ 2.40.030. Responsibilities of department and director.  

Latest version.
  • The department of municipal inspections, under the director of municipal inspections, shall be responsible for and shall perform the following functions:


    Coordination of all inspection functions carried out by any officer or employee of the city;


    Maintenance in a central place of all records relating to inspections including a common index;


    Coordination of enforcement actions for violations of any provision of the General Laws, State Building Code, city ordinances, rules or regulations which are subject to enforcement by any officer or employee or the city;


    Development of a single application form indicating all inspections which may be necessary;


    The rendering of advice, assistance and guidance to all city offices and agencies in any matter relating to city inspection services; and


    The rendering of advice, assistance and guidance to all members of the public relating to city inspection services and the development of user friendly systems for the convenience of the public;


    Recommend to the mayor means and methods for improving the management and efficiency of the city's inspectional services operations.

(C.O.04-490 § 1 (part))