§ 2.57.070. Commission—Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It shall be the duty of the parks and recreation commission to manage, direct, equip and care for the parks and playgrounds and of the planting and care of trees and shrubs therein and the conduct and use thereof.


    Upon the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter derives, the commission shall have the jurisdiction and control of the athletic field in Harry Della Russo Stadium provided for in Chapter 31 of the Acts and Resolves of the 1927 Massachusetts Legislature and Chapter 90 of the Acts and Resolves of the 1965 Massachusetts Legislature. The parks and recreation commission shall exercise the powers conferred by Chapter 45, Section 14 of the General Laws upon the municipality with reference to the use and control of the playgrounds.


    The commission may delegate the execution of the duties mentioned in subsections A and B of this section to the department of parks and recreation.


    The commission shall have advisory powers in relation to all recreational activities proposed and sponsored or conducted by the parks and recreation department.

(C.O.83-52 § 23; prior revision § 2-102)