§ 2.60.010. Composition.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The police department shall consist of a chief of police and the following personnel: three captains, twelve lieutenants, seventeen sergeants, and such number of patrolmen as may be appointed by the mayor and provided for by the city council.


    There shall also be the following nonuniformed personnel in the police department: one senior custodian, one junior custodian, one dog officer, one matron, one principal clerk, one junior clerk-typist and such other personnel as may be appointed by the mayor and provided for by the city council.


    There is created and established in accordance with the provisions of Section 60, of Chapter 31 of the General Laws an intermittent police force which shall be subject to the applicable civil service law and rules.


    There is created and established an executive officer of the Revere police department. Such executive officer shall be chosen by the police chief from the ranks of any captain or those lieutenants who have served in the rank of lieutenant for at least five years. The salary of such executive officer shall be equivalent to the salary of the senior captain.

(C.O.04-632 § 1; C.O. 01-17B § 2; C.O. 95-515 § 2; C.O. 94-402 §§ 1—4, C.O. 91-285A § 2; C.O. 83-52 § 70 (part): prior revision § 15-1)