§ 2.60.030. Chief of police.*  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The chief of police shall have the general charge and supervision of all officers and patrolmen and other personnel of the police department, shall have the precedence and control of the same whenever engaged in the same service and shall report forthwith to the mayor any violation of duty on the part of any member of the department.


    The chief shall report immediately to the city engineer any defect in any of the streets, roads or bridges which the chief may personally discover or which may be reported to the chief by any member of the police department.


    The chief shall also report forthwith to the proper board or head of department all nuisances and obstructions in the streets, lanes, alleys, squares and public grounds of the city, and all nuisances, sources of filth and causes of sickness which the chief may personally discover or which may be reported to the chief by any member of the police department.


    It is the duty of the chief to enforce all laws and the provisions of this revision and other city ordinances and to receive complaints for violation of them.


    The chief shall comply with and execute the orders of the mayor.

    (Prior revision § 15-3)

    *  Chapter 102 of the Acts of 2001 governs the appointment of the chief of police.