§ 2.63.050. Engineering department personnel.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Incumbents of positions in the administrative, janitorial, meter reader and labor divisions of the engineering department, except the city engineer, junior engineering aide, senior clerk and stenographer and personnel in the engineering department presently performing the duties of the draftsman, rod-men or engineering aides, on the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter derives, whether or not these positions are held on a permanent or temporary basis, are transferred to the department of public works.


    The incumbents mentioned in subsection A of this section shall be transferred in accordance with subsection A, without impairment of seniority, retirement rights or other rights, and without reduction in compensation or salary grade, whether the grade is temporary or otherwise. Tenure rights of such incumbents or civil service status shall be preserved.

(Prior revision § 2-31.4)