§ 5.04.070. Inspections before issuance.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    All premises at which a license or a permit is requested to be newly granted or renewed, including the license commission, shall be inspected by the building department, board of health, fire department, police department and public works department before the issuance or reissuance of a permit or license by the granting authority in the city for the protection of the health, welfare and safety of the community.


    The departments mentioned in subsection A of this section, if involved, shall in writing report back to the granting authority their findings as to whether or not any city ordinances or state laws are being violated. If any violation exists on the premises involved, the granting authority shall not issue or renew any license or permit until such violation is corrected and approval of the correction of such violation is made by the department(s) making the findings.


    Any violation not corrected and approved by the finding department(s) within forty-five days of the violation date shall be cause for denial or refusal of license or permit being requested or renewed.

(C.O.79-117: prior revision § 11-1A)