§ 5.04.100. Denial or revocation of local license or permit for nonpayment of local taxes, fees or other charges.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No department, agency, board or commission of the city shall issue any license or permit to, and may revoke any existing license or permit of, any entity or individual who is delinquent in the payment of any local taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or any other municipal charges of any kind. Further, no license or permit shall issue for an activity, event or matter which is to be exercised or carried out on real estate owned by any party who owes any local taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or any other municipal charges.


    Any motor vehicle towed and/or impounded by the city, or under the city's direction, for failure to pay five or more parking violations, pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. c. 90, Section 20A 1/2 shall not be released by the city until all outstanding city of Revere parking violations and delinquent motor vehicle excise taxes are paid in full, including all towing, storage and administrative fees associated with the motor vehicle impoundment.


    At the request of any department, agency, board or commission, the tax collector shall provide a list of any and all entities or individuals that owe taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or other municipal charges. In the case of any person or entity seeking a license or renewal of a license for a taxi or livery, the police department shall provide to the parking clerk and tax collector the name, license number and vehicle registration number for the purpose of determining whether any parking charges or excise taxes are owed.


    Prior to the denial or revocation of any license or permit, the party seeking such license, permit shall be entitled to written notice of the intended action and the right to a hearing before the applicable department, agency, board or commission. Such hearing shall take opportunity to establish that no taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or other municipal charges are delinquent. The list furnished by the tax collector and or parking clerk establishing the delinquency shall be prima facie evidence for denial or revocation.


    Every party shall be given an opportunity to avoid denial or revocation by entering into a payment agreement acceptable to the department, agency, board or commission to which taxes or fees are delinquent. The validity of any license or permit shall be conditioned upon the satisfactory compliance with such payment agreement. Failure to comply with any such payment agreement shall be grounds for the revocation of said license, provided that the holder is given the notice and hearing required by subsection C.


    Any license or permit denied or revoked pursuant to this section shall not be reissued or renewed until the license or permit granting authority receives a certificate issued by the tax collector confirming that the party is in good standing with respect to all local taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or other municipal charges.


    This section shall not apply to the following licenses and permits: open burning permits; bicycle permits; permits for the sale of articles for charitable purposes; children work permits; permits for the dispensing of food or beverages by a club or association issued pursuant to M.G.L. c. 140, Section 21E; dog licenses; fishing, hunting, trapping licenses; marriage licenses; and theatrical events and public exhibition permits.

(C.O.07-168 § 2)