§ 5.12.020. License required—Application.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Every transient vendor, before making any sale of goods, wares or merchandise in the city, shall apply to the city council for a license, and shall accompany any such application with a license fee as set out in Table I of this revision. Thereupon the city council shall authorize the city clerk to issue a license to the applicant, authorizing the sale of goods, wares and merchandise, which license shall remain in force so long as the licensee shall continuously keep and expose for sale in the city such stock of goods, wares or merchandise, but not later than the first day of January following its date.


    Subsection A notwithstanding, any person declared to be a "blind person" as described in Section 133 of Chapter 6 of the Massachusetts General Laws, who has registered with the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, as provided for by Section 135 of Chapter 6 of the Massachusetts General Laws, shall be exempted from the license fee set out in Table I of this revision.

(C.O.84-187 § 1; C.O. 83-52 § 75 (part); 81-182 § 1 (part): prior revision § 9-12 (part))