§ 5.12.060. Door-to-door solicitors and canvassers.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Definitions. The terms "soliciting" and "canvassing" means and includes any one or more of the following activities:


    Seeking to obtain the purchase, or the orders for the purchase, of goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs, services, of any kind of consideration whatever; or


    Seeking to obtain subscriptions to books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, and every other type or kind of publication; or


    Seeking to obtain gifts or contributions of money, clothing or any other valuable thing for the support or benefit of, or seeking to gain membership in or volunteers for, any charitable or nonprofit association, organization, corporation or project.


    The provisions of Sections 5.12.060 through 5.12.120 shall not apply to those who are operating validly as hawkers or peddlers or open air vendors, or to officers or employees of the city, county, state or federal government, or any subdivision thereof, when on official business, or to the city of Revere neighborhood youth and students who solicit for the shoveling of snow or cutting of lawns, or in connection with fundraising activities or city of Revere senior citizen fundraising activities, or to milkpersons, bakery persons, insurance agents, laundry persons, and ice, oil and coal dealers, nor shall it be construed to prevent route salespersons or other persons having established customers to whom they make periodic deliveries from calling upon such customers.


    If any solicitor or canvasser is under the age of eighteen years and is selling goods or periodicals for a commercial purpose, the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 101, Section 34 shall apply.

(C.O.96-141 §§ 3—5; C.O. 94-115 § 1 (part))