§ 5.16.060. Issuance renewal or revocation of permit.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The license commission of the City of Revere may deny an application for a secondhand dealer or secondhand collector license or revoke an issued license if it has probable cause to believe any of the following conditions exist:


    The applicant, or any person who will help own, manage or operate the secondhand dealer or secondhand collector business, has owned or operated a secondhand dealer or secondhand collector business regulated under this ordinance or any substantially similar ordinance and within the five (5) years prior to the application date:


    Has had a secondhand dealer or secondhand collector license revoked for a reason that would be grounds for a denial or revocation pursuant this article; or


    The secondhand dealer or secondhand collector business has been found to constitute a public nuisance.


    The applicant, or any person who will help own, manage or operate the secondhand dealer or secondhand collector business, has been convicted of a felony or any crime involving a false statement or dishonesty within fifteen years prior to the application date.


    The applicant has:


    Knowingly made a false statement in the application;


    Knowingly omitted information requested to be disclosed in the application; or


    Completed the application with reckless disregard for the truth or accuracy of the statements made therein.


    A lawful inspection of the secondhand dealer or secondhand collector business premises by the police chief has been unjustifiably refused by a person who helps own, manage or operate the business.


    The secondhand dealer or secondhand collector business, the applicant or any person, who will help own, manage or operate the secondhand dealer or secondhand collector business, has more than five violations of this ordinance, the Revised Ordinances of the City of Revere, any state or federal law, or any combination thereof within a two-year period, including the two-years prior to the application date.

(C.O. 11-348, § 1, 12-19-2011)