§ 5.16.090. Inspection of property and records.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce the provisions of this article, or when the police chief has reasonable grounds to believe more likely than not that a specific item of related property held by a secondhand dealer or secondhand collector is associated with criminal conduct, the police chief may enter the premises of the secondhand dealer or secondhand collector at any reasonable time, provided that the premises are occupied at the time of entry and the police chief presents proper official identification at or near the time of demanding entry. If entry is refused, the police chief shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry, including an administrative search warrant or a criminal search warrant.


    Authority to inspect secondhand dealer or secondhand collector premises under this ordinance is in addition to and not in limitation of the authority of the city or the police chief would otherwise have to enter the business premises.


    Once allowed to enter the premises of the secondhand dealer or secondhand collector, the police chief may inspect property kept there. The police chief may also inspect the business records associated with regulated property and perform any duty imposed upon the city or the police chief by this article. Copies of records will be provided to the police chief upon request.

(C.O. 11-348, § 1, 12-19-2011)