§ 5.16.100. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Except where otherwise indicated by law, the following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this article:


    "Building inspector" means the building inspector of the city or such other person designated by the building inspector of the city to enforce the provisions of this article.


    "Business premises" or "premises" mean the area of a junkyard as described in a junk dealer's license or application for license, as provided in this article.


    "Itinerant junk dealer" means a person or business entity who buys, sells, collects or delivers junk within the city as a business, but who does not operate a junkyard within the city.


    "Junk" means any old, discarded and unusable objects of any kind, of insignificant value, such as vehicles, building materials, machinery, appliances, furniture, equipment, etc., whether made of metal, fiber or plastics or any other material; old cordage, ropes, rags, fibers or fabrics; old rubber, old bottles or other waste or discarded materials; or materials dangerous to health, regardless of their kind, form, shape or nature. Vehicles shall be defined as a "motor vehicle" as defined under the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or any machine designed to be propelled by a means other than muscular power. Any such old or secondhand vehicle shall be considered as "junk," if it is unregistered and uninspected, and no longer intended or in condition for legal use on the public highways or if the cost to repair the vehicle to enable it to pass the commonwealth inspection laws for motor vehicles exceeds the value of the vehicle.


    "Junk dealer" means a person who operates a junkyard, buying or selling, dismantling, processing or dealing in any manner commercially with junk within the city.


    "Junkyard" means a yard, lot or place or any place of storage or deposit outdoors, within the city, where junk, as defined in subsection D of this section, is kept or stored.


    "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, organization or any business entity permitted to do business pursuant to the laws of this state or authorized to do business within the commonwealth.

(C.O.81-404 § 1 (part): prior revision § 10-10 (part))