§ 5.16.180. Garage and yard sales.  

Latest version.
  • "Garage sale" or "yard sale" means an open-air market on their own residential property, conducting the sale of used household goods by residential occupants.


    Nothing shall prevent any resident of this city from conducting garage/yard sale upon the premises owned by the person conducting the sale, provided that such sale shall not be conducted continuously for a period of more than three consecutive days and does not conflict with any local, state, federal laws or statutes.

    Such sale shall include any sale of personal property not covered or defined under the zoning ordinance of the city and shall include lawn, garage, yard, porch sales, etc., regardless of the description of such sale. Such sales shall be limited to three per calendar year.


    All items and equipment utilized for the garage/yard sales must be removed from the site of the sales and placed indoors for storage on a daily basis during the term of the sale.


    Any items on display for such garage/yard sale, which are not sold after three days, must be removed from the site of the sale and placed indoors for storage.


    All persons conducting garage/yard sales must first obtain a garage/yard sale permit from the city of Revere inspectional services department. There shall be no fee for this permit. Such permit must be placed in public view during the sale periods and available for inspection upon request by the police or inspectional services department. The permit shall include all rules and regulation relating to yard sales/garage sales and signage, permit number, name of permit holder, address, and dates of sales. For sales by renters, written permission must first be obtained from the property owner before a permit will be issued by the city of Revere.


    All persons must abide by the revised ordinances of the city of revere regarding the posting of garage/yard sales signs and sidewalk signs; i.e., no posting signs on any public properties, trees, light of telephone poles.


    The police or inspectional services department shall investigate all complaints of yard or garage sales and file a report according to established standard police department procedures and submit a copy to the inspectional services department.


    Garage/yard sales shall operate no earlier than nine a.m. and no later than five p.m. on any authorized day(s) of such sales.


    Whoever violates the provisions of this revision may be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each offense.


    Garage/yard sales are allowed only in the RA, RA1, RB, RB1, NB, GB and HB zoning districts as defined by Section 17.16.040 of the revised ordinances of the city of Revere and only with a permit issued by the inspection services department.

(C.O.06-294 § 1)