§ 5.16.430. Violation—Nuisance—Penalty.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The owner of the premises upon which junk, as defined in this article, is stored outdoors, a junkyard operator or any person, as defined in this article, who commits or permits any acts in violation of any of the provisions of this article or who fails to comply with the provisions thereof shall be deemed to have committed a nuisance and a violation of this article and shall be liable for any such violation and the penalty therefor. Each day that such violation continues or is permitted to exist constitutes a separate violation.


    Every such offense, as defined in subsection A of this section, shall be deemed a violation, and the person or business entity violating the same shall be subject to a fine for each such violation as provided for by Section 1.16.010 of this revision.

(C.O.81-404 § 1 (part): prior revision § 10-16(A, B))