§ 5.20.110. Inspection—Right of entry.*  

Latest version.
  • The chief of the police department, the licensing commission for the city, or any officer authorized by either of them, or a state police officer, may at any time enter upon the premises used by a licensed pawnbroker for the purpose of the pawnbroker's business, to ascertain how the pawnbroker conducts the business, and examine all articles taken in pawn or kept stored or kept in or upon the premises and all books and inventories relating thereto. Every such pawnbroker, the pawnbroker's clerk, agent, servant or other person in charge of the premises shall exhibit to such officer on demand any or all of such articles, books and inventories.

    (Prior revision § 14-11)

    *  For the law of the Commonwealth as to inspection of books of pawnbrokers, see G.L. Ch. 140, § 81.