§ 5.28.020. Application—Investigation.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The public interest requires that all persons employed or engaged in the following businesses, which require the person to come into direct contact with children, shall submit an application for a license to the chief of police:


    Operating child care or day care centers;




    Child transportation personnel; i.e., school bus drivers, taxi drivers retained by the school department, private transportation company employees retained by the school department;


    School teachers;


    School custodians and day care center custodians;


    Any business engaged in amusements for hire, temporary or permanent amusement facilities, including but not limited to transient carnivals.


    The chief of police shall conduct an investigation of the applicant's background, including all of the applicant's employees, prior to the issuance of any license to determine the character and fitness of the applicant seeking a license. The investigation shall include but shall not be limited to seeking information which may be obtained on the applicant's character from the Criminal History Systems Board and from the Criminal Offender Record Information System.

(C.O.03-244 §§ 1, 2; C.O. 79-10 (8/13) (part): prior revision § 11-20)