§ 5.28.030. Issuance of license.  

Latest version.
  • If after investigation by the chief of police a determination is made that the person seeking a license, including all of the person's employees, has not been convicted of any sexual, drug or alcohol abuse offenses or violations of child abuse laws, the chief shall issue a license to the person seeking a license. Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (9) of Section 34 of Chapter 687 of the Acts of 1914 as amended by Chapter 188 of the Acts of 1934 the license commission of the city shall not issue a license for amusements for hire, gain or reward or to a temporary or permanent amusement facility, including but not limited to transient carnivals without first receiving a license issued by the chief of police pursuant to Section 5.28.030.

(C.O.03-244 §§ 3—5; C.O. 79-10 (8/13) (part): prior revision § 11-21)