§ 5.56.030. Prohibitions—Standards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person shall install, use or maintain any newsrack which projects onto, into or over any part of the roadway of any public street without first securing a permit from the city council pursuant to Section 5.56.060.


    No person shall install, use or maintain any news-rack which in whole or in part rests upon, in or over any sidewalk or other public place when such installation, use or maintenance endangers the safety of persons or property or when such site or location is used for public utility purposes, public transportation purposes or government use or when such newsrack unreasonably interferes with or impedes the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, the ingress into or egress from any residence, place of business or any legally parked or stopped vehicle or the use of poles, posts, traffic signs or signals, hydrants, mailboxes or other objects permitted at or near said location.


    Any newsrack which in whole or in part rests upon, in or over any sidewalk or other public place shall comply with the following standards:


    No newsrack shall exceed five feet in height, thirty-six inches in width, or three feet in depth.


    No newsrack shall be chained, bolted or otherwise attached to any property owned or maintained by the city.


    No newsrack shall be placed, installed, used or maintained:


    Within three feet of any crosswalk;


    Within fifteen feet of any fire hydrant;


    Within five feet of any fire or police call box or other emergency facility;


    Within five feet of any driveway, public or private;


    Within three feet ahead or fifteen feet to the rear of any designated bus stop, taxi stand or place marked for handicapped parking or handicapped pedestrian ramp;


    Within three feet of any bus bench or shelter;


    At any location whereby the clear space for the passageway of pedestrians is reduced to less than four feet;


    Within three feet of any display window or any building abutting the sidewalk or other public place in such a manner as to impede or interfere with the reasonable use of such window for display purposes;


    No newsrack shall be used for advertising signs or publicity purposes other than that which is essential to identify on no more than two sides of the newsrack, the newspaper, periodical or other printed matter offered for sale therein. No letter thereon shall exceed two square inches in size. Advertising signs, promotional decorations, banners and moving signs shall not be permitted on the newsrack, except as otherwise provided in this subsection;


    Each newsrack shall be maintained in a clean and neat condition and in good repair at all times, and it shall be of one color that does not unnecessarily contrast with the immediate surroundings, except that the lettering permitted in subdivisions (i) and (k) of this subsection may contrast with such one color. Neither such one color nor any of the permitted lettering shall employ reflectorized paint, day-glo, fluorescent or scotchlite reflective materials or materials of like nature;


    Every person who places or maintains a newsrack on the streets of the city shall have his or her name, address and telephone number affixed thereon in a place where such information may easily be seen.

(C.O.83-369 § 1 (part))