§ 8.04.070. Municipal services for condominiums.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Except as provided for in subsection C of this section, the city of Revere shall provide the following services to residential condominiums organized under M.G.L. c.183A, whether owner occupied or rental, and regardless of the number of units in the building, or buildings, comprising the condominium in the same fashion as the city of Revere provides those services to single-family residences:


    Collection of recyclable materials and garbage.


    Condominiums shall be required to pay to the city of Revere the cost of any insurance riders required by the city of Revere.


    In lieu of providing some or all of the services set forth in subsection (A)(1) of this section, a municipality shall reimburse the condominium an amount equal to the costs incurred by the condominium for providing those services, but not more than the costs that would be incurred by the city of Revere in providing those services directly. Any costs in excess of the amount which would have been incurred by the city of Revere shall be the responsibility of the condominium:


    Where the city of Revere elects to reimburse as here provided for, the city of Revere shall reimburse quarterly upon submission to the city of Revere by the condominium of an accounting of its costs incurred for those services for the preceding quarter; and


    Wherever the term "municipality" is used hereunder, the term shall mean the city of Revere, its subdivisions, agents, servants and/or employees.

(C.O.96-344 § 1)