§ 8.16.020. Flammable and explosives permits—Inspection and fee required.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Before an application for a license, required by General Law, Chapter 148, Section 13, may be approved or a permit issued for the keeping, storage, use, manufacture, sale, handling, transportation or other disposition of inflammable liquids, compounds, solids, explosives or gases for which a license or permit or both such license and permit may be required by this revision or other ordinance, law of the commonwealth or regulation of the State Department of Public Safety, the chief inspector shall inspect and approve or disapprove the application for a permit or license.


    If a permit or license is issued, a fee as prescribed in Table I of this revision shall be collected. All permit fees shall be paid to the chief inspector of the division of fire prevention or his or her assistants, and all fees in connection with a license shall be paid to the city clerk.

(Prior revision § 7-25 (part))