§ 8.20.030. Dike or impoundment area construction.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The dike or impoundment area embankment shall be made of earth, gravel fill, clay core, masonry, reinforced concrete or steel designed to be liquid-tight and to withstand a full hydrostatic load. An earthen dike or impoundment area shall be firmly and compactly built of clean earth from which stone, vegetable matter, etc., have been removed; and shall have a flat top not less than three feet in width and slope of at least one and one-half to one on both sides.


    To permit access, the outside base of the dike at ground level shall be no closer than ten feet to any property line that is or can be built upon.


    The chief of the fire department shall direct and require the owners of aboveground storage tanks, at their owner's expense, to give special treatment to diked areas where class A and B liquids are stored which are located in extremely porous soils to prevent seepage of hazardous quantities of liquids to low-lying areas or waterways in case of spills.


    Tanks with capacities of not over twenty-five thousand gallons each may be grouped and an impoundment area or dike built around the group or tanks.


    Impoundment areas or dikes shall be continuous with no openings for piping or roadways. Piping shall be laid over or under impoundment areas or dikes.


    No building shall be located within a diked area.

(C.O.78-1061 § 1 (part): prior revision § 7-42 (part))