§ 8.20.130. Watchman—Yardman—Inspections and logs.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any storage terminal having a capacity for more than three million five hundred thousand gallons of class A or class B liquids shall be protected by an approved means of watchman service.


    A trained and competent yardman shall conduct systematic and periodic inspections of all product storage areas, loading racks and dock areas not less than every two hours to ensure the proper and safe operation of all terminal, land and marine facilities. At the expense of the terminal owners and operators, recording devices shall be installed at various sector locations on terminal property, approved by the chief of the fire department, to allow a trained and competent yardman on inspection tours to record the time, date, location and condition of various sector locations within the terminal area.


    Inspection logs shall be maintained which indicate the name of the person recording the inspection information, the time and date of each inspection and the condition reported at each inspection location. Inspection logs shall be made available to personnel of the fire department for periodic review.

(C.O.78-1061 § 7: prior revision § 7-50)