§ 9.04.120. Body piercing procedures.  

Latest version.
  • Body piercers shall:


    Set up equipment in front of client;


    Packages containing sterile equipment will be opened in front of client;


    Jewelry contaminated with only airborne pathogens (not previously worn or contaminated) shall be disinfected with a nonhazardous hard-surface disinfectant approved by the E.P.A.;


    All jewelry must be for single-use on only one person, and shall not be reused on another client;


    All needles used in piercing must be presterilized, used on only one person, in one sitting, for single piercing and immediately disposed of in a medical sharps container;


    Piercers shall use pre-sterilized disposable equipment when possible. For equipment that is not disposable, such as surgical steel forceps, autoclaving and ultrasonic cleaning is required.

(C.O.98-140 § 1 (part))