§ 9.12.010. Defacement of public or private property.*  

Latest version.
  • Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right, or wantonly, maliciously and without cause, destroys, defaces, mars or injures the walls, wainscoting or any other part of any building belonging to the city, or any church, synagogue or other building erected or used for religious services or religious instruction, or any monument, tablet or other device erected to mark an historic place to commemorate an historic event, or any part of any building or structure, the walls, wainscoting or any other part of any building belonging to the commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions, or any playground apparatus or equipment located in a public park or playground or upon any fence, post, awning or any private dwelling or other building or any timber, trees, or wood, ferns, flowers, shrubs or produce shall, upon complaint and conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than three hundred dollars and in addition shall forfeit to the tenant thereof the cost of removing or obliterating such defacement, to be recovered in an action of tort.

    (C.O.82-377 § 1 (part): prior revision § 13-9)

    *  As to posting, painting, etc., on poles, fences, etc., see § 15.08.040 of this revision.