§ 9.12.030. Posting political signs.*  

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  • Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12.04.050, and Section 15.08.040 no political advertisement or political sign shall be placed or allowed to be placed or affixed to any public or private building, land, fence, utility pole or tree within the city unless they; adhere to the following rules:




    "Political sign" means any temporary non-premises sign, which refers only to the issues; causes or candidates involved in a political election and is designed to influence the actions of voters.


    "Copy area of sign" means the actual area of the sign copy as applied to any background. Copy area on any individual background may be expressed as a mathematically or geometrically computed portion area, regulated by law, to control the amount and size of letters, words, graphics or logos. In the case of freestanding signs, and where a sign has a background color, surface or finish material which is different from the building or window face, the area shall include that surface on which all message, symbols or other graphic designs are displayed, but does not include the supporting framework and bracing.


    "Double-faced sign" means a sign with two faces, commonly back to back.


    "Pole sign means a "freestanding sign or accessory sign" that advertises, calls attention to a specific candidate or cause.


    "Billboard" means sign or other outdoor advertising device;


    "Wall sign" means a flat sign mounted against a flat wall, with the exposed face parallel to the exterior plane of the building to which it is affixed. It projects not more than eighteen inches from the building or structure wall. It also includes signs affixed to architectural projections provided the copy area of such signs remains on a parallel plane to the face of the building facade or to the face of the architectural projection to which it is affixed.


    Time Frame.


    No political sign shall be erected in any residential or planned unit development (PUD) district until thirty days prior to the date of a primary or preliminary election.


    No political sign shall be erected in any business or industrial district until forty-five days prior to the date of a primary or preliminary election.


    Following a primary or preliminary election, all signs of losing candidates shall be removed within three days. Signs of winning candidates may remain in place until ten days after the final election.




    No political sign in a designated residential zone may have a copy area larger than twelve square feet on one side. On a double-faced sign the aggregate may be twenty-four square feet.


    No political sign in a designated business zone may have a copy area larger than 32 square feet on a wall sign.




    City-wide candidates may have one headquarters per ward.


    Ward candidates may have one headquarters per precinct.


    State-wide and county candidates may have one headquarters city-wide.


    In no case shall more than one political sign per candidate be erected on any one parcel of property.


    No more than three political signs shall be erected on any one parcel of property,


    In a residential district, no political lawn sign shall be higher than four feet above ground level to the top of the sign


    All political signs shall be stationary and shall not be illuminated.


    No political signs may be affixed to any public property including utility poles, city trees, bushes, shrubs, fences, lampposts, mailboxes, or any public street furniture. In the case of such violations, the department of public works or other appropriate city department may remove such violating signs and be held harmless in doing so (also see 15.08.040; 12.04.030; [17.36.080])


    All political signs located on private property shall be installed only with the permission of the property owner(s) (see 15.08.040).


    No political advertisement, sign holding or posting shall be posted or held within one hundred fifty linear feet from the front door of the building, or the building entrance leading to the polling location inside the main building, housing any polling location to include vehicle signage, billboards, or property signage. This ordinance shall not exceed the following: MGLA, C54 Section 65; 950 CMR Sections 52.03(22)(d); 53.03(18)(d) or 54.04(22)(d).


    Enforcement and Penalties.


    Any violation of the above ordinance is enforceable by the Revere Election Commission, Inspectional Services Department or the Revere Police Department.


    Prior to any preliminary, primary election or general election, any of the aforementioned departments must notify a candidate within twenty-four hours of the observance of any violation by verbal, electronic or written communication and the candidate must remove the violation within twenty-four hours or the notification.


    The fine for any violation of this ordinance is fifty dollars per day per sign beginning on the day after the first observance of the violation beginning at the time of notification by any of the aforementioned departments.

    (Prior revision § 13-13)

    (C.O. 07-01(6-04), § 1, 7-30-2007)

    *  As to posting, painting, etc., on poles, fences, etc., see § 15.08.040.