§ 17.17.040. Procedure.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    With each application there shall be submitted to the site plan review committee (SPRC) the material required under Section 17.17.050, and as may be required under Section 17.17.060. All materials shall be submitted to the building inspector who shall time stamp the application within, then forward the application materials to the SPRC within five days.


    For all new residential, commercial and industrial construction which does not exceed ten thousand gross square feet or require more than ten parking spaces or an increase of ten or more parking spaces, the site plan review committee shall review the application and report their recommendations in writing to the building inspector no later than twenty-one days after the building inspector has received the application for a site plan review.


    For all new residential, commercial and industrial construction or expansion projects, which exceed ten thousand gross square feet or require more than ten parking spaces or an increase of ten or more parking spaces, the site plan review committee shall schedule a meeting with the applicant, if necessary, within twenty-one days of the submission of the application, and shall report their recommendations in writing to the building inspector no later than forty-five days of the submission of the application.


    The site plan review committee shall render a decision to approve or approve with conditions, or disapprove if it finds that the application required for review is incomplete.


    The building inspector may reject the recommendations of the site plan review committee by submitting in writing to the site plan review committee such reasons for rejection within seven days of receipt of the site plan review committee's report. Reasons for rejection of a site plan by either the building inspector or site plan review committee must specify the areas of nonconformances with respect to the review standards outlined in Sections 17.17.070.

(C.O.90-237 § 1 (part))