§ 5.16.070. Secondhand dealer or secondhand collector recordkeeping.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Computerized Records: Every secondhand dealer or secondhand collector shall keep a computerized record of style and design approved by the chief of police. Included shall be all transactions, which shall be recorded in the English language and shall reflect the amount of the purchase. The record may request any information reasonably calculated to help the police chief identify the purchaser, the seller or the property associated with the purchase of regulated property.


    Identification of Customer: Whenever a secondhand dealer or secondhand collector purchases regulated property for business purposes, the secondhand dealer or secondhand collector shall obtain acceptable identification from the seller along with the seller's current residence address.


    Requirement That Records Be Kept, Provided and Retained: The secondhand dealer or secondhand collector shall record the name and residence, date of birth, and form of acceptable identification used along with its serial number, of the person selling articles. The secondhand dealer or secondhand collector shall furnish a correct and complete record of such transactions by an approved method once daily, or as otherwise determined, to the criminal investigation division of the Revere Police Department. The above described records shall be transmitted electronically in a specifically stored format along with any other information deemed necessary by the chief of police or his designee. No entry of said record shall be erased, obliterated, defaced, or changed.


    Photographs Required: Every secondhand dealer or secondhand collector shall photograph any person selling articles and photograph the articles and keep such photographs with said books as part of his or her records for at least ten years. The required photographs shall be clear and of such quality that the person selling the items and the items can be clearly identified. A photograph shall be required each time a person makes a separate transaction. The photos shall be stored in a digitized format. The image must be retrievable and a clear copy provided to police upon request.

(C.O. 11-348, § 1, 12-19-2011)