§ 15.16.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    "Revere resident" means any person for whom the principal place of residence is within the city of Revere for at least six months immediately prior to the award, contracting and/or permitting of a public construction project. Proof of such residence may include, but is not limited to, the following: a valid Massachusetts drivers license indicating a Revere residence, utility bills, proof of voter registration within the city of Revere or such other proof acceptable to the monitoring committee. Any person who provides false information regarding his or her residence shall be subject to a fine of no more than one thousand dollars.


    "Public construction" means a project or a contract for construction of a project taking place within the city of Revere which is funded in whole or in part by city, state, federal or other public funds, or by grant funds administered by the city or which in accordance with a federal, state or other grant which the city expends or administers or a contract to which the city is a signatory. All owner-occupied residences, projects which cost less than one hundred thousand dollars and projects undertaken by any regional commission or board to which the city is not the sole signatory are exempt from this chapter.


    "Contractor" means all persons, corporations, agencies, firms, businesses, developers, bidders and subcontractors, for projects defined herein as public construction, except so-called design services pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 7, Section 30K.


    "Bidding authority" means the city department or agency assigned or directly responsible for the bidding and/or project management of public construction.


    Revere Residents Employment Certification Form. This form must be submitted by the contractor with any and all bids for public construction. Such form may be from time to time amended by the monitoring committee to suit the purpose and intent of this chapter.


    "Revere residents employee reporting form" means the form submitted by the contractor within twenty-one days of acceptance of the contractor. Such list shall contain Revere residents that have been contacted and confirmed to be employed by the contractor. Such form may be from time to time amended by the monitoring committee to suit the purpose and intent of this chapter.


    "Monitoring committee decision on compliance with this chapter" means the form used by the monitoring committee to render decisions on submittals of the Revere resident employee reporting form submitted by the bidding authority. Such form may be from time to time amended by the monitoring committee to suit the purpose and intent of this chapter.


    "DDI list" means the most recent Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries list for minimum wage rates under the prevailing wage laws as determined by G.L. Chapter 149, Sections 26 to 27D.


    Revere Resident Employment Monitoring Committee. Herein known as "Monitoring Committee." The Revere residents construction employment ordinance, its enforcement, and compliance with its requirements shall be monitored by the Revere residents construction employment monitoring committee. Such committee shall be comprised of five individuals including the following and each shall serve at the discretion of his or her appointing authority:


    Two appointees of the city council;


    Three appointees of the mayor, one of which most be recommended by the Greater Boston Labor Council.

    Initially, one appointment by the mayor and one appointment by the city council (not the appointee recommended by the Greater Boston Labor Council) shall serve for one year. Except as noted herein all appointments made in accordance with this chapter shall serve for two year terms. Such terms may be sooner terminated, with or without case, by the appointing authority named herein. All action by the monitoring committee shall be by majority vote of a quorum of the then appointed members. A quorum shall be no less than three members.

(C.O.97-284 § 1 (part))