§ 17.24.010. Table of dimensional controls.  

Latest version.
  • District Minimum sq. ft. Lot Area frontage (ft.) Yard Setbacks g
    Usable Open Space (% of total area) Maximum Principal Building Coverage (percent) Max. Hgt. (ft.) Max. Stories Max. Fence Height (ft.) Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
    RA 6,000 60 20 20 a 30 a 35 30 30 2 ½ 6 i
    RA1 8,000 80 20 15 30 35 30 35 y,1 2.5 6 i
    RB 8,000 80 20 20 a 30 a 30 30 35 y,1 2 ½ 6 i
    RB1 8,000 70 20 20 a 30 a 30 30 35 y,1 2 ½ 6 i
    RC 10,000 100 20 15 b 20 20 40 50 5 c 6 i 1.0
    RC1 25,000 100 20 f,g 20 g 30 w each side 85 120 13 10 i 3.0
    setback j
    RC2 25,000 100 20 g 20 g 30 w each side 140 14 10 i 3.0
    RC3 10,000 100 20 20 a 30 a 35 30 35 3 6 i
    LI 15,000 100 35 20 30 60 30 2 10 1.0
    IP 130,000 150 50 50 50 15 40 60 z 5 10 1.0
    PDD1 t 130,000 150 50 u 30 u 50 u 15% u 50% 180 u 18 10 2.0
    PDD2 3 acres m 100 30 20 30 35 40 200 n 200 n 10 1.6
    NB 10,000 100 10 15 a 20 40 35 2 ½ 6 i
    GB 10,000 100 q 20 q,v 20 q,v 50 5 10 i 1.5
    GB1 10,000 100 20 20 x 20 x 35 3 10 1.5
    CB 4,000 40 q,w 20 q,v 20 q,v 60 h 6 10 i 1.5
    HB 15,000 100 20 20 d 30 50 y,2 5 15 1.0
    TED 25,000 150 50 35 50 15% 50% 50 5 15 1.5



    A minimum of 10 feet must be provided for each side yard and a minimum rear yard of 20 feet must be provided for all decks. All pre-existing lots pursuant to Section 17.24.030 which contain less than 6,000 square feet and less than 60 feet frontage shall be subject to the following yard dimension: 15 feet front yard, 15 feet, side yard (minimum 10 feet 1 side), and 20 feet, year yard.


    For each side yard, 5 feet for the first story, plus 3 feet for each additional story.


    Apartments in a PUD may exceed this limit.


    Twenty-foot minimum side yard each side.




    Development is allowed in 70 percent of the required front yard (exclusive of all areas used for side yard setbacks) in apartment and residential condominium developments; provided that the building inspector determines that adequate side lines are maintained for entering and exiting the building. The height of development in the front yard shall be limited to 20 feet, and the area shall be restricted to common uses such as recreational or leisure activities. At least 65 percent of the structure in the required front yard setback shall be constructed of glass, lexan or similar rigid and transparent material.


    For structures greater than 60 feet or 6 stories, in the RC1 and RC2 districts, at a height not less than 30 feet from the front sidewalk finished grade, balconies may be extended out over the required side yard setback. For structures greater than 60 feet or 6 stories in the RC1 and RC2 districts at a height no less than 20 feet from the front sidewalk, finished-grade balconies may be extended out over the required front yard setback. For structures 60 feet or 6 stories or less, in the RC1 and RC2 districts, balconies may be extended out over the required front, rear and side yard setback subject to the approval of the site plan review committee. In all instances, balconies shall be unenclosed and extend no more than 4 feet from the wall of the principal building.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 17.08.120 of this title, the building height of structures in the CB district shall be measured from the vertical dimension of the Broadway grade of the lot to the highest point of the roof.


    No barbed wire or fences with pointed ends shall be allowed in the RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, NB, GB and CB districts.


    Subject to the review and approval of the superintendent of public works of the city, in the required rear-yard setback in the RC1 district, no use shall be allowed except for a parking garage associated with the principal building and use, which may cover all portions of the required rear yard except areas used for screening required by Chapter 17.32, and which shall not be subject to the fire wall requirement of Section 17.16.260(C)(2), except as otherwise required by law or the height limitation of Section 17.16.260(D).


    For the purpose of determining the number of stories, basements and cellars shall be excluded.


    Principal building coverage shall be determined at ground level.


    In determining lot area and yard setback requirements in the PDD2 district, no setbacks or yards are required from property owned by a public utility; public utility property shall also be deemed to be included in the determination of lot size where such public utility property otherwise bisects property which is under common ownership.


    Where the PDD2 district adjoins or abuts residential uses, residential neighborhoods, or educational uses, which uses or neighborhoods are located in an RB, RC or HB district, the maximum height shall not exceed 50 feet or 4 stories on all PDD2 property located within 100 feet (screening area included) or such adjoining RB, RC or HB district and shall not exceed 80 feet or 9 stories on all property located more than 100 feet and within 150 feet (screening area).


    Floor Area Ratio in PDD2 District. The total floor area ratio of the principal building(s) on the site, not including structured parking, shall not exceed 1.6.


    No warehouse, as defined in Section 17.08.901 of this title, whether for private or commercial use shall be located within forty feet of any residential use.


    For all residential uses in the GB and CB districts the yard dimensions shall be as follows: front, 20 feet; side, 15 feet; rear, 20 feet.


    Where any use in the TED and HB districts abuts a residential use or wetland, a minimum landscaping buffer zone of 20 feet must be provided within the minimum setback requirements. A minimum landscaping buffer zone of 10 feet must be provided within the minimum setback requirement where any use in the TED and HB districts abuts a nonresidential use and along the frontage of the property.


    Lots in existence prior to May 7, 1990, located in the RC2 district shall not be subject to the minimum lot area yard dimension or floor area ratio regulations of 17.24.010, Table of Dimensional Regulations, if said lots meet the following requirements:


    The pre-existing lot has frontage on 2 or more public right-of-ways;


    The average depth of the pre-existing lot is less than 90 feet measured along the side lot lines, and 2 parallel lines equidistant from the side lot lines and the lot center line.


    The dimensional criteria for PDD1 may be exceeded by the granting of a special permit. See Chapter 17.22 of this revision.


    Where the PDD1 district abuts Winthrop Avenue and Revere Beach Parkway, there shall be provided a 50 feet wide landscaped buffer zone and minimum setback for all buildings. Where the PDD1 district abuts Washburn Avenue, there shall be provided a 50 feet wide landscaped buffer zone and a minimum setback of 100 feet for all buildings (buffer zone included). The maximum height of all buildings shall not exceed 70 feet or 7 stories within 150 feet of Washburn Avenue, and the maximum height for all buildings not attached to a stadium or arena shall not exceed 100 feet or 10 stories within 200 feet of Washburn Avenue. A maximum height allowance for a combination hotel, resort, gaming facility shall not exceed 180 feet or 18 stories within 250 feet (minimum setback) of Washburn Avenue. A maximum height allowance of 250 feet with a minimum setback of 500 feet from Washburn Avenue, Winthrop Avenue and Revere Beach Parkway may be allowed for a stadium or arena with a height allowance of 180 feet or 18 stories for structures which are attached to a stadium or arena. Where a multi-use development facility such as a hotel, resort, gaming facility, convention center, arena, stadium or any combination thereof, is attached, there shall be an exemption from the side and rear yard requirements along the line of attachment for those uses noted above. For the purposes of the PDD1 district, floor area ratio (FAR) for stadiums or arenas shall be computed as the total square footage of the footprint of such structures. Where the PDD1 district abuts the oil farms, there shall be provided a minimum setback of 100 feet. Within the PDD1 district, Usable Open Space may include all pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths associated with a development. Where a lot within the PDD1 district abuts another lot within the PDD1 district, there shall be no setback required along such lot line for either lot.


    Where abutting a residential district and/or use.


    For any structure 60 feet or 6 stories or less in height in the RC1 and RC2 districts the rear yard requirement for the zoning district shall not be less than 20 feet.


    Sideyards abutting public ways shall be not less than 10 feet wide.


    1. A 30 foot height requirement shall be applied to all structures within the RA1, RB and RB1 districts that are built on lots less than 8,000 square feet.


    Except that the maximum height allowed in the HB district shall be 70 feet on parcels that are part of a contiguous development containing at least 10 acres.


    Structures erected on a building within the IP District and not used for human occupancy, such as but not limited to, air and exhaust equipment, chimneys, heating-ventilating or air conditioning equipment, solar or photovoltaic panels, elevator housings, skylights, cupolas, spires, mechanical and acoustical screening and the like ("rooftop structures") may exceed the maximum height of a building in feet provided no part of the rooftop structure(s) is more than 2) feet higher than the maximum permitted height of the building and the total horizontal coverage of such rooftop structures on the building does not exceed 60 percent, with the exception of an aggregate area not to exceed 3 percent of the total roof area which shall be allowed to have rooftop structures which extend more than 35 feet above the roof line. Also, wireless communication links, commercial radio or television antenna(e) and telecommunication facilities shall be allowed on buildings within the IP district as long as the height of any such equipment is less than 20 feet above the roof line and only if such equipment is solely associated with the business occupying the building.

(C.O.02-147 §§ 1—3; C.O. 01-261 § 5; C.O. 01-76 §§ 3, 4, 32, 41; C.O. 98-293 § 7; C.O. 98-293 § 3; C.O. 97-467 § 3; C.O. 97-105 § 40; C.O. 96-17 §§ 29—37; C.O. 93-30 § 7; C.O. 91-62 § 1; C.O. 91-23 § 7; C.O. 90-237 §§ 3, 17; C.O. 90-37H; C.O. 90-37F; C.O. 90-37E; C.O. 90-37C; C.O. 88-530 CD § 4; C.O. 87-661 § 13; C.O. 85-656 §§ 3, 7, 8; C.O. 85-4A §§ 16(J), (O), 36 (part); C.O. 84-365 §§ 1, 2; C.O. 84-136 § 1; C.O. 83-508 § 5; C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(A); C.O. 13-279/CZ-13-06, §§ 4—8, 12-9-2013; C.O. 17-284/CZ-17-04, § 21, 9-11-2017)